
Essay on my vision for India in 2047

Essay on my vision for India in 2047

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My vision for India in 2047

My dream India 2047

नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेबसाइट bandana पर। दोस्तों जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि भारत देश का स्वर्ण शताब्दी समारोह वर्ष 2047 में संपन्न होना है। दोस्तों हमारा देश 15 अगस्त सन 1947 में आजाद हुआ था। और वर्ष 2047 से हमारे देश के आजादी के 100 वर्ष पूर्ण हो जाएंगे। इसी क्रम में आज हम एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय पर चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं । इसी क्रम में हम आपको बताने जा रहे हैं कि वर्ष 2047 में मेरे सपनों का देश कैसा होगा? दोस्तों वर्तमान समय में यह तो हम सभी जानते हैं कि माय विजन फॉर इंडियन 2047 यह एक महत्वपूर्ण निबंध है जोकि प्राय: सभी परीक्षा में पूछा जाने लगा है। दोस्तों वर्ष 2047 में मेरा सपनों का भारत कैसा होगा। इस विषय पर आज हम आपको अंग्रेजी भाषा में निबंध कैसे लिखें यह आज की पोस्ट में बताने जा रहे हैं। यह तो हम सभी जानते हैं कि अंग्रेजी भाषा एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण भाषा है। और यदि आपको my vision for India in 2047 इस पर निबंध लिखना हो तो आज की पोस्ट में हम आपको यह निबंध अंग्रेजी में लिखना हम बताएंगे। दोस्तों यह कितना महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक है, जोकि वर्तमान में सभी बोर्ड एवं कक्षाओं के लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है इसलिए आपको इस निबंध को बहुत ही अच्छे से तैयार करना और याद करना है यदि आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आए तो इसे अपने दोस्तों में अवश्य शेयर करना है।

My Dream India 2047           

The india of my dreams would be a country that is entirely Self-Sufficient in all areas. I want india to be technologically advanced , agriculturally advanced as well as scientifically Better. Every barren land in the country, which has not witnessed crop in ages, would be cultivated for achieving food grains. I am proud of my country, where agriculture is the backbone and pushes the GDP ahead.

I am proud that I live in a country with so rich soil containing Suitable minerals that help in ogrlriculture and promotes farming

Different state of india have different varities of soil. Such as Gujarat has black Soil that is suitable for growing Cotton, kerala has Soil that is suitable for rice cultivation and so on. One of the best things that happened in the Country was the Green Revolution offering intensive agriculture programs for farmers.

The year 2047 will be the the landmark year to look at  india through the prisms of development. growth, gender,equality, employment, and other factors .

One wants to see india free from poverty, unemployment, malnutritions, corruption, and Other Social evils.over the next twenty-five years, India should transform into a powerful nation both internally and externally. Our foremost target as a developing nation should be to work on economic fronts and make our economy stronger by bringing in some mejor reforms.

Besides the economic sphere, there is a need to work towards gender equality and providing equal opportunities for all irrespec tive of their background.

The next twenty five years will be extremely crucial not Just for our country but also for us as citizens of India.

Everyone has dreams to make the country big and democratically successful. 

A country where there his equality in all areas and for all genders it witnesses progress.

My vision for India in 2047

The india of my vision where women are safe and want freely on road. Also, it will be a place where there is freedom of equality to all and everyone.

 It would be a where there is no discrimination of caste, color, gender,Social or economic status and race. I see it as a place that sees  an abundance of development and growth.

Women Empowerment:

There is a lot of discrimination against women. But still the women are sleeping out of their houses and making a mark on different fields and on society my vision for  India in 2047 is to become women more powerful and Self-dependent.

 We have to work hard to change the mind of Society my vision is india is a country that Sees women as its assets not as liabilities. Also, I want to place women on an equal level as men. 

Education :

Government work to promote education but there are many people who do not realize its true importance The india of my vision in 2047 will be a place where education will be mandatory for all.

 Caste Discrimination :

India got independence in 1947 still we are not able to get complete independence from caste, religion, and creed  discrimination. my' vision for india in 2047 is where there is no discrimination of any kind..

Employment opportunities: 

There are many educated people in india but due to corruption and many other reasons they are unable get a decent job my vision for india in 2047 will be à place where the deserving candidate will get Job first rather than reserved candidates. 

Health and fitness

my vision fon india in 2047 is to improve the health system by providing good facilities to people, people are also aware of health to fitness. Many hospitals and ambulances are available for any time.


Corruption is one of the major reasons that are hindering the growth of the nation. So, my vision for india is in 2047 where the minister and official are dedicated to their work and wholly for the development of the country. Our dream is corruption free india.

Conclusion :

The india of my vision in 2047 will be an ideal country Where every citizen will be equal. Also, there is no discrimination of any type. In addition, it will be a place where women are seen as equal to men and respected equally.

Our country india became free from the slavery of the british on 15th August 1947. Our independence it about to complete 75 years. By 2047India celebrates its 100th of independence years In 2047.

 In envisions that india should overcome corruption poverty unemployment, malnutrition, illiteracy, and other Social evils. And india should be a of equality for everyone. country Where is freedom

India should continue to be the land of Secular peace prosperity, and truthfulness. Our country should continue to be secular where all religions and caste are treated


          My dream India 2047

Everyone has dreams to make hen country big and democratically Successful. A country where there is equality in all areas and for all genders it witnesses Progress. Like other I also have a dream for my india and the way it  should be so I can be proud to live and the coming generation too furthermore, a country where there is no discrimination of caste, colar, gender and economic status, sees development in a true sense people in such countries also progress well in all senses.

India of my dream will be developed ,advanced happy ,placeful, filled with harmony and equality. in every aspect of life. It will be a place to live in where every one would be content with what they have and there is under. Standing with in the fellow citizens. 

our country india became free from the slavery of 200 years of British on 15th Agust 1947- Independence is about to complete 75 years on thish occasion, the entire country is celebrating the the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

After 25 years in the year 2047 it will be 100 years. in the years since the country got independence The coming 25 years are the Amrit kaal for the country Althought the country is on the path of continuous divelopment for the last 75 years but in the coming 25 years we indians will have to become as powerful As we were never before.

we regarded to the year 2047 we have to set a target that after completing 100 years of independence where do we see india for this everyone will have to work to gether for the development of the country so that the sprit of unity areses in us and get rid of fragmented thinking in fact the goal of this Amait kaal' is to build on india that has all the modern. 

The infrastructure of the word so that we keep on navigating the path of development so now it is duty of all of us to get involved in rebuilding the new india of our dreams. Don't dily any longer Today celebriting 75 years and independence every indian is dreaming of a new india. 

An india that is fully developed where every youth has employment where no one is dying of poverty and starvation.

 Like every one I also see the india of 2047 as a corruption fee india, I see that is 2047 there is no hatred in the name of castes and religion in the country in 2047 Every girl who wolk the streets of india  is absolutely safe.

India is not dependent on any other country in any field. See the women of india of 2047 as empowered who have equal rights with men with whom .

there  is no discrimination in the Job I see medical Facilities in india easily accessible to the general public. It is my vision that every child of india will be educated in 2047 which will definitely be meaning full for this we all should start making efforts Form now on we need to forget our diffrence and  move forward if we make efforts with Unity then india well difinitely become self reliant and by 2047 the tittle of vishwaguru will definitely be in its name.

what we dream is what we see similarly now we visuliese india of 2047 will Detir mine the revolutions we will adopted over the next twenty five years one wants to see india free from povarty ,unemployment mal netriation , corruption and other social evils.

Over the next twenty-five years india should transform into a powerful nation both internally and externally over this our fare most target as a developing nation should be work on economic fronts and make our economy stronger by bringing in some major reforms.

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