प्रतिभा पर्व वर्कशीट कक्षा 5 अंग्रेजी सॉल्यूशन 2022 // Pratibha parv Class 5th English Worksheet full Solution (download PDF)
Class -5th English Pratibha parv mulyankan paper 2022 (solution pdf)
Mulyankan paper 2022: कक्षा एक से सातवीं तक के बच्चों के स्कूल नहीं लिए जा रहे हैं कक्षा एक से आठवीं तक प्रतिभा पर्व मूल्यांकन पेपर बच्चे घर से ही पेपर को हल कर ल जायेंगे। छात्र स्कूल में जाकर पेपर, उत्तर पुस्तिका को लाकर अपने घर वालों की मदद से पेपर को हल कर सकते हैं।
प्रतिभा पर्व मूल्यांकन वर्कशीट 2022:
कक्षवीं छठवीं के सभी छात्रों के लिए प्रतिभा पर्व मूल्यांकन 2022 वर्कशीट का सलूशन है यहां पर आपको प्रोवाइड कराया जाएगा।
प्रतिभा पर्व मूल्यांकन वर्कशीट 2021 - 22
खण्ड -अ
कक्षा - 5
विषय - अंग्रेजी सामान्य
(यहाँ से वर्कशीट का कार्य प्रारम्भ करे )
section -A
multiple choies Questions ( Q.1 -8 )
choose the correct Answer and write.
Sparrow was very thirsty she saw a tap near a wall. She whent near the tap But there was no water in it the Sparrow started searching for water . there was no tracce of water anywhere .she was tired so she sat on a branch of a tree suddenly she was a girl holding a pot full of water in your hands. she poured water into a bowl kept under the tree At once the sparrow flew down and drank the water.
Q.1 what is the story about?
a. a girl
b. a crow
C. a sparrow
d. a squirrel
Ans-A Sparrow
Q2. The Sparrow was in search of ---
a) girl
b) food
c) water
Q3.where did the girl pour the water?
a) intro a mug
b) into a pot
c) into a bowl
d) into a box
Ans-into a bowl.
Q 4. where did the Sparrow sit?
a) on a mug
b) on the wall
c) on a tap
d) on the branch of a tree
Ans- on the branch of a tree
Shalu, Raju and uncle go to a near by pond. Kalu, the dog also goes with them. Raju and Shalu playin the water. Their uncle sits on a rock. The children call," Come in Kalu. It's fun. It's fun. It's fun in water. Come, come, come! "I have a ball", says Shalu, he throws the ball. "Get the ball Kalu," says Raju. Kalu runs for the ball. Shalu, Raju and Kalu like to They all enjoy fun in water..
Q5.where does Shalu and Raja's uncles sit?
a) on a hill
b) on a tree
C) on a table
d) on a rock
Ans- (d) on a rock
Q6. the opposite word for comes is -----...
a) run
b) walk
c) go
d) Play
Q7.the plural for the word's. dog's is ----
a) dog
b) doges
c) doggs
d) dogs
Q8.who throw the ball?
a) Raju
b) uncle
C) Kalu
d) Shalu
short Answer type question (Q9.13)
Q9.who buit the bhojpur temple?
Ans- King Raja Bhoj Of dhar built the bhojpur temple.
Q10. Read the following carefully and answer the question given below it.
(i).Who is the reader of the message?
Ans. Amit is the reader of the message.
(ii) Who is the writer of the message?
Ans. Sovita is the writer of the message.
Q .11 Use the following words in your own sentences.
(i) happy
my life is very happy.
(ii) decorate.
My mother like's to decorate rooms.
(1) happy
निम्नलिखित शब्दों का अपने वारयोग कीजिए। My life is very happy.
(ii) decorate
My mother like's to decorate rooms.
Q12. Rewrite the following paragraph using correct punctuation marks.
my mother prepared sweets for my birthday. My grandfather distributed the sweets to all the guests. My mother served dinner. After dinner, we played some games. Everyone enjoyed a lot. did you enjoy your birthday?
Q13.Complete the word puzzle with the help of the clues given below.
1. the room for cooking things_ kitchen
2. a place for keeping books - book Shelf
3. Meena's mother made these. -Sweets
4. You get it from bees. -honey
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